Monday, 24 September 2007

Mountain solo by Jeanette Ingold

Wainuiomata High School Library Blog: It's holiday time

I've just read a book by Jeanette Ingold called "Mountain solo". It is about a teenager called Tess who is a talented violin player. There is never any question that she has got what it takes to become one of the best players - but there are questions about whether she will reach that goal. The story is set in the United States, and it is a beautiful story which takes the reader into the country life in Montana, and it's history, and also into the life of a talented young lady as she progresses through the stages of becoming a true performer.

I recommend that this book be read by anyone who has a passion to do something special, and I also recommend it to anyone who enjoys a good story.

Friday, 21 September 2007

It's holiday time

I wonder how many people will find this site during the holidays.

School holidays are a time to relax and do your own thing.

Tell us what you are doing, and what you are reading.

Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Welcome to our library blog

The purpose of this blog is to tell you what is happening in our school library.

We hope you will also use this blog by writing reviews of the books you read, and telling us ideas that you have to improve the service that the library provides to students and staff of Wainuiomata High School.