Sunday, 11 September 2011

Act of Faith

by Kelly Gardiner
Published by Angus & Robertson, Sydney, 2011

Summary: Set in 1640. Isabella has to flee England because of her father's ideas.   She finds refuge for a while, in Amsterdam, working for a printer. They travel together to Venice.  But the world seems to be ruled by religious intolerance, which includes the Spanish Inquisition, who have taken a dislike to the printers radical ideas, and want to prevent him publishing them.

My response:  I love stories of adventures which may have happened in the past.  They are an enjoyable to
learn history.  And to think about issues that people may have faced - such as "women's liberation", and equality.  At the moment I am particularly interested in stories about the "Inquisition".  My research into my children's heritage has found links to this era.

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